четверг, 20 октября 2011 г.

Bio transaction

People used to say time flies, now you may realize where you are, but in another moment you will not be in the same place again. I learn and understand these words through my personal experience.

It had been slightly more than a month living in this land, far away from home. The feeling is great to have this unimaginable opportunity on you. Of course with huge and heavy responsibilities as well. Not forgetting the hopes and faith people have and put on you. I would say it is not too hard and not so easy though.

1st month here is just amazing. You got to experience so much different and unexpected things. Not to mention alien stuffs as well. An important process is running now, what we call adaptation. There are plenty of things that we have to adapt and acclimatize fast here in Volgograd, the City of Heroes.

Life as a medical student is just out and beyond your imagination. Things just turn better when you are in Russia. Everything is contradiction as what it is in Malaysia. Anyway, contradictions made me to compare and analyze better.

My first reaction when received the study schedule was like WOW. Medical school’s WOW effects. Daily class at average started around 8.30am and ended around 5.00pm. 6 studying days in a week which equal to only 1 free day. The only day for you to do whatever you want to do in that week, at the same time thinking about the preparation for classes on the following day. So, in conclusion you just got to work things out in whatever way you figured out to catch up with everything happening around you.

Basically our condition is slightly better compare to a Houseman, a little worse than a normal student. 
“The ugly truth”

Classes are just as NORMAL as it is, as how the pictures came to you when we speak about classes in university. Plus some mass lectures which are conducted on some subjects only.

My group, Group 31 consist of 7 future doctors with the ratio of 3M:4F. We knew each other since INTEC. This will continue till we graduate and officially enter the medical field together hopefully. This friendship will never be the same. Not forgetting other sponsored students of my batch and seniors.

To ensure the brain functioning and performing constantly at its best performance, we got to get the best fuel for it. After head aching classes, time for dinner preparation. This is the field where we had some fun out of all the seriousness from the whole day. High creativity is required. I really enjoy it so much. I never find the kitchen full of fun before. I admit that I am not a good cook, but I am glad that I have such opportunity here. Where I can brush up and learn some skills of cooking. At the same time upgrade myself to become a better person. 
“A man is different if he can do well in kitchen”

Marketing is not so challenging. You just got to try everything and find out about them. Try every single thing that came to your shopping list as nothing to be afraid of. Learn through experience. 
“When you learn through the hard way, you just got to be stupid first and clever after”

Basically, I am on a huge learning process where I learn many things from many different sources. My grandaunt told me before, “You grow up the next day when you live in oversea” I find this sentence so true now. I see things differently now, in some other perspectives. I am no more the old me.  

I take this learning process positively. Water it everyday and wait for the moment to arrive where I can ripe these fruits one day. This very day has a huge distance from me and I am getting one step closer and closer day by day. I may not know when it is but I know it will come one day.

“Unseen moon did not prove that it did not exist” 

2 комментария:

  1. OK. I am pretending i know how to read russian with the blog template in russian. :)

    Keep up the spirit. With a 3M:4F ration, that's healthy. And having a close groupd of friends is great to have a mini support group/system.

    keep it up Future Doctor. I know your Pa and Ma is very proud of you and your brothers, though they don't say it!

  2. My old blog was removed for no reason.
    When I created this new blog of mine in Russia, those Russian writing just appeared in such manner.
    Can't do much.

    Thanks for reading my not so outstanding writing here.
    Pray for my success.
    Thanks again.
